Looking for a high-level overview of how nature interfaces with corporate target setting? Look no further than this report from WBCSD
Want to learn more about TNFD and biodiversity but struggling for time? Check out this podcast from Outrage and Optimism with Tony Goldner of TNFD
Carbon reductions and removals in commodity supply chains - a quick high-level intro from Efeca.
Interested in (or confused by) carbon "insetting"? See this explainer from Efeca that explores definitions and practices.
Interested in understanding and reducing your carbon footprint from key commodities? See this timeline and overview of different frameworks, initiatives, and guidance related to decarbonisation.
Check out this interactive infographic to gain awareness of complex sustainability issues within the palm oil supply chain and appropriate action that can be taken to address these
Check out this AFi webinar on sourcing deforestation and conversion-free forest risk commodities, with a presentation from Efeca
Are you a wholesaler or distributor? Watch this introductory webinar on how you can get involved in sustainable palm oil supply chains.
Introduction to Sustainable Soy - Where can companies in the UK start? Read this briefing to find out more.